Friday, April 30, 2010

Dare to Wear: Arbonne

Yesterday I mentioned some amazing things I had to share with you all...and it is Arbonne.

Have you ever heard of the company??
Do you or have you used it??? Let me know what you think of the products

Arbonne is a botanically based skincare company that started in Switzerland in 1975 then began in the United States in 1980. All of Arbonne's research and development is based out of Switzerland and their manufacturing is done here in Irvine, California.  The company is VEGAN CERTIFIED and more recently, the farmland in Switzerland just became ORGANIC CERTIFIED which means many of the botanicals used in Arbonne's products are organic!

The company produces many products from anti-aging creams to diaper rash ointments and everything in between. They just recently launched their all new (AH-mazing) makeup line in March as well.  All Arbonne's products are produced without testing on animals, without animal or human by-products, free of PABA, PH Correct, dermatologist and pediatrician tested and approved and so much more.  The company's motto for 30 years has always been Pure-Safe-Beneficial and they are just that.  

Arbonne is an amazing company.  Their products do not get NEARLY 1/4 of the amount of exposure as they should.  I have been using several of their products for the last couple of months and I honestly couldn't say enough good things about every single one of them.  My 4 year old son's chronic dry skin problem drastically improved within just a few days from using their baby care lotion and I can't tell you how fabulous their fine line/anti-aging products are! You really have to try it to understand. 

I don't want to babble on for hours, which I totally would about this company and the products, but I just wanted to review/share/advise to each one of my lovely readers how freakin outstanding everything I've tried from Arbonne is.  I mean it.

If you want more information on Arbonne, to order products or try free samples please leave me a comment with your email address below.  Let me know which products you'd be interested in
Men's Line
Acne Line
Teen Line
Children's Line
Body care
Health & Wellness
Weight Loss & Management

**Note: I am an Arbonne Independent Consultant.  Although I was not paid in any way to write this review; I do sell the products for retail consumption.  These are my true opinions and are based off of using the products on myself and my family prior to becoming involved with the company as a consultant 

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hiatus Recap

I have been a bad, bad blogger and have taken a sort of 'hiatus' as the post is appropriately titled. Not purposely, its just that life itself has consumed me more than ever over the last week or so.  I've been hitting the gym - hard.  Working - hard.  Playing - hard. I had a bachelorette party in AC this past weekend for my friend Christine which proved to be a true girls fiasco! I've been avidly working with my trainer and attending my weekly fitness classes, proudly reporting. As we hear time and time again, summer is truly just around the corner. 

Which summer, I will be prepared for with my very cute new bathingsuit from Vicky's (as posted about here) - of course the bathinsuit arrived a la UPS 30 minutes after I left for AC so I couldn't even wear it on my trip (indoor pool)...but it looks great on and its very cute with the ruffles and fitting color!

I picked up a pair of shoes from Piperlime this past week and they arrived yesterday - very cute.  Although they are a bit uncomfortable and I'm just not sure yet if I'm going to keep them. I even bought them a 1/2 size larger because that's all that was available but my toes seem to squish quite a bit...I'm going to wear them around the house for a while to get the full feel of them. Thanks to E at Strawberry Swing and other things for the awesome coupon which led me to score these beauties for a measley $38 -- If I do return them, I'm going for a nude caged bootie, which I've been desperately lusting after for quite some time now. 
I haven't done much shopping otherwise...I'm trying to avoid the malls and actual stores because we are finalizing our bathroom renovation which has turned into an over budget, over timing project.  Hopefull WELL worth it when all is said and done.  I will post before and after pics when finalized, I can't bare to let the cat out of the bag before it complete.

I can't wait to post something so very exciting later on today...but I didn't want to overwhelm on one post.  I have great news about AH-MAZING products and even more ah-mazing opportunity that I'm overly excited to tell you all about. 

ta ta for now

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wedding Wear Part Deux

I swear, looking for the perfect ensemble to wear to someone else's wedding has turned out to be just as difficult as finding my own dress!! Holy moly.  Well out of the 10,000 dresses I narrowed my choices down to I finally decided on one...and guess what? It wasn't even one of the original contenders...shocker!

I have the bachelorette party this weekend in AC, the shower in a couple weeks and the wedding in about a month so I think I'm finally all set on my outfit for each event...I'll share some pics that are sure to be entertaining after this weekend's fiasco but for now I'll share a polyvore set of what I decided to go with for her 'big day'...

what do you think? I haven't set the accessories in stone but I did purchase the dress and shoes...

Have a happy weekend everyone, thanks for reading!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday Wants...

Since I haven't had much of a chance to online window shop lately, depressing - I know.  I figured I'd take some time today to show my lovely readers those items that I have big grabby hands for right now.  I saw the black polka dot top today on Coley's Cheap Thrills edition today and realized that was another item I just had to have. In my typical frugalista fashion, these items are all less than $50 (except for the uber cute Arden B maxi) and are perfect for the current NJ weather and will last right through the summer!!

Ta ta for now, xoxo

Monday, April 19, 2010


I know I've been slacking on my regular posting.  I was out of the office on Friday...I took the booger on a class field trip and chaperoned 2 other little boogers.  It was actually a lot of fun.  We went to the Crayola Crayon Factory and museum.  Had a pretty good weekend...didn't do any shopping though :(  and I know that 65 degrees is typical April weather for NJ but can we just bring back those 85 degree days please!
(please - please)

Today is, as you know, Manday and we're featuring the uber gorge Jason Lewis aka Smith Jared - tell me you don't remember this:


You're welcome,
xoxo for now

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Staying on Track with Healthy Planning

From the title I'm sure you can guess what today's post is all about.  Right now just about every woman you know is trying her hardest to get lean, toned and tan for the upcoming bikini months and I'm no exception.  If you follow, you know that I've hired a personal trainer and have been avidly watching my habits on all fronts to get that beach body that we're all lusting over right now. 

However, exercise is only half the battle.  You could exercise your little tush off but if you go home to pre-packaged snacks and bacon you're doomed! Even those of us healthy eaters fall off track from time to time and today I'm going to share what has been most helpful to me during those times you feel you just can't keep it going!

I'm talking about planning...planning your meals, snacks and even beverages is very very important.  In our household, we use weekly meal planners as well as planned grocery lists.  I retrieve a lot of organizational resources from the fantastic website (you can find printable pages here).  Each week, we plan our meals for 7 days; we will write out the days we plan to dine at a restaurant or even the here and there 'FFY' which is short for "fen for yourself" nights.  The weekly meal planning has several benefits, but the major ones are:

1. Keeps us on track for healthy eating - we're never scrambling and ending up with cheeseburgers.  Since we know our schedules for the week, we know how to plan meals accordingly - crock pot vs. grilling, etc.

2. Grocery bills have been drastically reduced; we know what we're eating and therefore, we know what and how much to buy

3. Ease! I am prepared each night when I get home because I either have a recipe stapled to the meal plan (which hangs on the fridge) or I have the meat defrosting on the counter.  There is no wasted time trying to figure out what to make

I get very excited to make these meals because I'm actually looking forward to what's for dinner that day, I KNOW what we're having. 

I also believe it is a chain of events happening when you plan ahead, because there is no guess work or stressing over 'what's for dinner' you make the right choices time and time again.  I've even found that I have more opportunity to indulge here and there on those items that I really love - margaritas! lol - because I do so well throughout the week with my planned meals that I do not feel guilty on the weekends having one or two or four!

I would recommend writing out breakfast, lunch and dinner - even if you eat the same thing for breakfast every day, write it down and stick to it.  For snacks, plan ahead as well but don't feel you have to eat certain snacks on certain days...get your hands on those great snack sized ziploc baggies and fill each one with some of the following items:
- dozen raw nuts
- cut up veggies
- reduced fat cheese
- fruit slices
- granola (raw)

Instead of saying 'okay on Wednesday I'm eating cheese for a snack' just have these pre-made little baggies in the refrigerator and grab one each day for that mid-day slump at 3pm, or maybe the slump between breakfast and lunch! I also favor the Kashi TLC bars as well as Fiber One bars (if you can handle them).

One last little tidbit that I would like to share with you.  I'm sure you are all well aware of the benefits of water! Yes, good ol' H2O...and hopefully you're getting a good 8 glasses per day.  But what I've learned is most important is when you drink 2 of those 8 glasses per day.  As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water and right before you go to bed do the same. Water is a natural calorie burner and drinking right before bed helps balance hormone and energy levels, muscles and joints and promotes a better sleep as well as toxin clearing benefits! Drinking upon waking rehydrates your body and gets your metabolism working right away ;)

I hope that you find this information beneficial.  Would love to read your feedback!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Wedding Possibilites?

No my friends, not wedding possibilities for me - I've already drained my savings for that big shindig...less than a year ago!

A friend of mine is getting married at the end of May and I am really looking forward to dressing up! I desperately want a one shouldered dress that I can wear again and have put together the following polyvore sets.  Let me know what you think? Which one should I choose?

Not to mention...all of these dresses are less than $100 which I love.

There's the 2 french connection dresses:

Then there's the Asos Options:

Lastly, these 3 options

I know what you're thinking - a lot of the same style dress...but that's what I'm looking for.  Personally, I think I'm gearing towards the last black one with those fabulous heels.  But I also adore that nude dress AND the coral me decide!!

Haulin' It

Although I'm pretty good with daily updates, I will admit that I've been slacking the last few days.  Its been hectic.  I will most likely do a few posts in a row today to make up for it. 

That being said, I wanted to supplement my review below on the ShoeDazzle shoes I received on Friday.  I wore them out on Saturday night for drinks with the hubbs and some friends and I actually walked home about 4 blocks from where we were so I really got a full night's wear out of the shoes.

I'd give these shoes a B+ for comfortability - the basket weave texture of the shoe is the same on the inside so it does rub a little bit on the back of the ankle but nothing that the band aid rub stick doesn't cure.  They are actually quite easy to walk in despite the very thin and tall heel.  I received a few compliments throughout the night on their uniqueness, I definitely think the shoe has an 'acquired taste' but they look smokin hot on! I'd recommend these shoes if it is a look you're going for (and by the way, the shoe retails for nearly $60 online, but like I said in the post below, I joined ShoeDazzle and got them for $39.95 + free shipping).  I have a code for 20% off your first pair if I invite you as a current member; as well, I'll get a free pair after 3 friends sign up.  Leave your email in the comments if you want the link!

Separately, I wanted to share a fitness myth I discovered over the weekend. I find it very important to get my health & fitness information from a reputable source.  I do listen to people at the gym, friends or family if they offer advice but I always research the advice to ensure it is correct.  I'm sure we've all been told that you can target weight gain on specific parts of the body by doing exercises that target those areas so basically, if you have a flabby midsection you do crunches, if you have bingo arms you do tricep extensions, etc.  - makes sense right?

Well no, its wrong.  The concept is called "spot training" and unfortunately it doesn't burn fat.  When you lose weight you are unable to choose the area in which the reduction will occur.  Your body predetermines which fat stores it will use. Like I said, doing crunches with strengthen your abdominal muscles (no doubt about that) but it will not take the fat off of your stomach only.  However, you can compliment a blanced exercise program with a selection of weight training exercises to gradually lose weight and tone the body overall.

And need to burn 3,500 calories in order to lose 1 lb.  That's 500 calories per day.  So if you cut back your typical daily caloric intake by 250 and then burn 250 calories in the gym, you will lose 1 lb. per week. Aim for 3-4 days of cardio per week and the fat will melt away!!

Helpful resources:
BMI Calculator
Calculating your basal metabolic rate (the number of calories per day that your own body burns naturally)

Thanks for reading, xoxo

Friday, April 9, 2010

Reco's and Reviews

Well lovely readers I have been very busy the last few days I have decided to get my ARSE in GEAR!!! Memorial day is right around the corner, not to mention I have a bachelorette party poolside in about 2 weeks...ahh.  I've decided to hire a personal trainer from my gym, I signed up for 10, 30 minute sessions in addition to his Tues/Wed/Thurs classes I take (pilates/body pump/kickboxing).  I must say, I am sore already but I am determined to get my summer body.  I highly recommend taking a good kickboxing class, I really like the one I take, I can totally tell its working because I sweat profusely and I can just feel every single muscle in my body working up a storm!!

Today I wanted to also share with you a recommendation for a couple blogs to read...I recently stumbled across the blog Life, Love and the Pursuit of Shoes If you're like me and are obsessed with all things shoes this is a great blog to follow - I even emailed the blogger after reading a few posts to tell her how much I <3'd her blog and asked if she knew where to find the shoes in this picture:
Not even kidding, she emailed me back within 20 minutes with multiple links to the shoes.  Unfortunately for me, the shoes are not only Giuseppe Zanotti (an amazingly awesome shoe designer with un-awesome prices) but they are sold out anyway.  I then wrote back to her explaining my woes and guess what???
Yes folks she linked me to a look for less ;)
I officially love this woman.

And on that same exact note... follow The Look 4 Less which, too, is a fantabulously beneficial website that is updated multiple times throughout each day with celeb looks for less, reader write in looks for less, etc. She basically can find any item out there that you want for cheaper!! C'mon now how great is that.  I initially reached out to her on how to recreate Kim's entire look above and she came so eerily close for a fraction of the price I was quite astounded.  The shoes were just a little less than what I wanted (not less in price but less in look) - but the entire outfit she sent to me with links to various options - again within minutes of my initial email.  This wonderful woman reached back out to me again today because she had found a pair of shoes that did in fact match Kim's to the T for a measley $55!!!
I officially love 2 women.

So a big  K U D O S  to these two really cool women and their efforts towards making my life that much better!
If you're smart, you're already following these blogs; if not, you'll be following them now!

And for my review...I recently signed up for ShoeDazzle, a company founded and operated by the lovely Kim Kardashian.  Basically, ShoeDazzle is a website that you join as a member (at no financial obligation), you take a survey that determines your 'style' and based on your survey results, each month the stylists pick 5 pairs of shoes for you - you have the choice of purchasing 1, all or none of the shoes selected.  If you choose a pair, there is free shipping and you get your order in about 1 week and if they don't fit or you're unsatisfied you use their pre-paid return shipping label.  The cost of the membership is $39.95 per month - the great thing about this service is that if you don't like any of the 5 shoes selected for you, you're NOT charged the $ it's no obligation what-so-ever and whenever you do feel like obliging you get the pair of shoes right to your door step.

I mean, clearly its no innovative idea its a shoe service and the shoes are not Louboutins or Jimmy Choo's but "high end" low end shoes, if that makes sense.  I received my first pair today:

I really liked these ones a lot and as soon as I saw them in 'My Showroom' I knew I was getting them and for $40?? No brainer.  These were the other 4 pairs in my showroom, I don't like any of them, but that's the beauty of the website if you don't like any of them or are strapped for cash - whatever the reason may be you just select 'skip this month' and you keep it movin.

I like the convenience of the service, maybe you're busy one month or can't get out to the mall or for some god for saken reason have no time to online window shop - then one day you get the email 'time to choose' and you treat yourself to an unexpected little treasure.  No typing in cc info or mailing address, they have all your info - just click the 'yes please' button and a week later you're stylin and profilin

Well happy weekend to all!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So so busy

I'm very busy today folks but stumbled upon these lovelies in my travels today and couldn't resist posting so that you, too, could gawk.  I love me some navy in the spring and I love me some killer wedges - these incorporate both so fabulously  :::Sigh:::

$550 on sale now at Net-a-Porter

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Smooth Sailing

There is a certain beneficial bounty out there...a deliciously tasty, creamy delight that not only satisfies your taste buds but slims your waistline at the same time?'s smoothies  

A "diet" I tried a couple years ago (which, might I add was extreeeeeeemely successful) was the Abs Diet (for Women) by David Zinczenzko, Editor in Chief for Men's Health Magazine.  This so-called diet, which was easier than figuring out 10% off your favorite shorts, did wonders for my post baby body and it really shaped my eating habits entirely.  I have completely changed my food lifestyle since reading the book and several accessory books as well.  That being said, a big factor to this 'diet' are smoothies.  According to Eat This, Not That (another wildly successful publication by same) smoothies "juice your brain, build muscle, burn fat and strengthen your heart in less than a minute" who doesn't want that?

Now these smoothies do not include the crapola ones you get a fast food restaurant, they're not Dunkin Donuts Low Calorie Fruit Smoothie chock full of 490 freakin calories and 83 grams of sugar!!! The type of smoothies that whittle the waist and pump the muscles are the ones you make at home (or ones, USUALLY, that are offered at your gym but be careful to watch the ingredient list).  You want to stick to fully natural, fruit/vegetables, protein sources and low sugar liquid add ins. 

The 12 Best smoothie ingredients, according to Eat This Not That:
1. Peanut Butter (ALL NATURAL varieties - look for those words right on the front label)
2. Fat Free Milk (lots of calium and protein...none of the fat)
3. Blueberries (the huge amount of antioxidants have been shown to slow brain decline & reduce memory loss)
4. Low Fat/Fat Free Vanilla Yogurt (Or greek yogurt for added protein + digestion aid and calcium)
5. Raspberries (an antioxidant powerhouse)
6. Fat Free Chocolate Frozen Yogurt (calcium, phosphorous and NONE of the guilt)
7. Pineapple-Orange Juice (OJ has Vita C and Pineapple has a cancer inhibiting, inflammation reducing
8. Cherries (in addition to Vita C and fiber, they have been linked to fighting arthritis pain)
9. Bananas (GOOD carbs, keep you feeling energized)
10. Whey Protein (its essential amino acids help you pack on muscle - and muscles BURN calories!!)
11. Frozen (or fresh) Mangoes - chock full of Vita's A and C and beta carotene which helps prevent cancer
and promotes healhty skin!!!
12. Ice (helps it all blend together nicely)

Here are some of my favorite and very easy smoothie recipes based on those 12 ingredients all between 200 and 300 calories perfect for breakfast or a snack:

-- The Smooth Operator
-- The Mood Maker
-- The Brain Booster

So make yourself a simple smoothie tomorrow for breakfast or bring one to work for that 3pm rut we always find ourselves'll see a change, for sure!

Have any recipes you want to share with me?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up and More...

I hope that all my lovely readers had a wonderful Easter...I know that here in Jersey the weather has been beyond fantastic and it just feels soooo good.  It's literally been perfection.  About 75-79 degrees, slight breeze and all sun! That is good livin right there my friends.  And the forecast predicts similar weather up and until Tuesday of next week! (well, with the exception of potential rain on Friday but I'm ok with that).

Friday was a G R E A T  day for me...I passed my State licensing exam and am officially a real estate agent in the great State of Jerzeeee now! woot woot. I'm so excited to embarq on this new adventure and see where it takes me! I don't plan to invest a ton of time into real estate right away but I am definitely eager to get my feet if you or anyone you know is planning on buying or selling a home in New Jersey any time soon...

Grandma decided to keep the booger throughout the rest of the night Friday which allotted even more celebratory time for moi - I headed over to my girl Nic's house for some wine antics and gossip and it was very fun! By the way, shout out to Nic, who doesn't even read the damn blog - because she is loook f-i-i-i-i-n-e! Good work on the exercise, eating right and keepin in shape you're doing a great job girl

Saturday we (booger, hubbs and I) headed to the Phila zoo again to enjoy the weather and show the booger a good time.  It was really nice, we all had a great time and stopped at this Ah-mazing buffet on the way home where I gorged like a gluttonous crazy person (ew).

I <3 that one of my boys - booger always does that to hubbs when he's on his shoulders - I don't think he quite understands why you can't walk with your eyes covered, especially when carrying a child.
Here's some more animal shots - that monkey was staring at me for a good 10 minutes lol

Then Sunday, of course, Easter was just as eventful for me - as a mama these sort of Holidays are much more entailing then for those sans kids - you make a HUGE deal about dying eggs, getting to bed for the bunny and then hiding eggs, toys and a basket all over the house all while snapping photos before you even get coffee...Here are some of my favs (after coffee, dressed all nice) and ooh thanks to Ms. E at Strawberry Swing and Other Things for the cutie Arden B. skirt it was perfect for the weather and the occasion:

My Dad came with us, he was so cute!

Me n Boogs and then boogs reachin for Eggs scattered throughout the house with Spidey basket in tow

Had a great weekend with friends and family - looking forward to this week's weather and hopefully staying on track with the gym...the countdown is on ladies only 55 days until Memorial Day aka the begin of swimsuit season

How was your weekend, your Easter? Enjoying the weather?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Dare to Wear: Acceptance

Well Happy (good) Friday all....what a gorgeous day it is today (in New Jersey)'s high is supposed to reach a whopping

7 6    D E G R E E S
woot woot, shout it out

Today's Dare to Wear is Acceptance. 
I know what you're thinking - wtf does that mean? Let me give you a bit of preface - I've spent the last 4 or more years of my life trying so hard to be something I wasn't and it always had to do with vanity.  I think the issue of vanity has gotten so far out of hand in our country that it's just impossible to ever accept who and what you really are.  The pressures to be thin and beautiful, perfect and fashion forward, great hair, great makeup, etc. it is just so overwhelming and I know, obviously, as a woman the pressure even in the 'normalcy' of non-celebrity life is hard enough. I don't think that we accept ourselves enough.  I don't think that we ever sit back and say 'wow, I am great the way I am' or just accept that the way we look is the way we look and stop trying so hard to change it.  I know girls, have friends, co-workers, etc. who scrutinize things about themselves that are clearly so beautiful or fabulous, just because it isn't "up to par" to what's "socially accepted". 

Maybe this isn't you...maybe you are 100% satisfied from head to toe with your appearance and the way you look.  If so, then KUDOS to you - bravo for sure.  I honestly cannot remember a time in my adult life that I felt that way.  There has always been something I felt needed to be better or different or like this person's or that person's...whether its weight, hair, style, height, size, etc.  it's always been something.  So today's Dare to Wear is Acceptance. Accept who you are as an individual and what makes you unique.  Accept your frizzy curls or jiggly underarms, accept your voluminous hair or perfectly structured eyebrows.  Accept your muffin top or tight buns. Whether it's too big or too small, too thin or too thick, curly or straight, short or tall --- accept, accept, accept 

For me, I am accepting that
I weigh 143 lbs. and I have 22" thighs and that's who I am
I have thin, less than voluminous hair...oh and grey's
I have very fair skin and will always carry that 'pale' look even when tanned
My hips...are huge, enough said
That little pregnancy belly is here to stay no matter how many sit ups I do

lol - this picture is clearly the BEST I've ever taken!! Poolside antics on my honeymoon

And for me, this is how I accept those things in stride
I gave birth to a nearly 9 lb. child and gained 94 lbs. in the process, I lost more than 100 lbs. so I should be damn proud of that weight and those "huge" thighs (btw huge thighs are the new black) hahahaa
I have a 'daring' hair cut that most people cannot pull off and well, the grey's - it is what it is
Fair skin is better than the leather look of over tanned skin
My huge hips beared a beautiful little boy with ease
That little pregnancy belly, although not cute at all, is the aftermath of pregnancy and now I know better not to eat so many Oreo's because a fetus does not share those calories!

I think if you take even 1/10 of the amount of time you spend trying to perfect or change your so-called imperfections and spend that time embracing them for what they really are, it would make you so much happier and prouder of what ya got!
Own it.

Dare to wear...acceptance.

Want to share what your accepting? Comments, Questions, Suggestions Always Welcome!