Thursday, March 18, 2010

Just another manic Thursday

Because you all definitely need to know my life updates, here goes:

1. NO, I have not been going to the gym in the mornings - why you may ask??? Because HUBBS GOT CALLED BACK TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woot Woot - shout it out - woot woot

So because hubbs is now full time actively working again I cannot ditch the sleeping booger in the AM to go to the gym because DYFS does, in fact, frown upon leaving your children unattended - so after next week (when god for saken class is over) I'll be hittin up the gym, evening style. 

2.  I am totally, ridiculously stressed about my real estate exam.  The pre-tests are ridiculous they ask the most off the wall nonsensical questions that you'll NEVER ever use in real life - why on Earth do you bog down my mind with uselessness. 
I  w i l l  p a s s  t h i s  t e s t  w i t h  f l y i n g  c o l o r s

3. Kohl's purchase - bust.  Nothing fit the way I hoped it would.  Everything was cute but ehh didn't look so hot.  I plan to try on some different sizes with different shoes, accessories etc. IN the store to achieve better success.  Lauren Conrad I have not given up on you my dear

4. I'm going strong without meat - feeling better than ever!! Not gonna lie, I was craving chicken yesterday but didn't do it.  I am enjoying this. 

5. Spring is almost (officially) here.  2 more days. Oh and guess what? I wore flip flops yesterday!!!! yay

Now I am very excited for this weather, but am prepared for much rain because according to the good ol' Farmer's Almanac its gonna be a wet one this year.  So in anticipation of same, I plan to purchase one of these lovlies:
First Pair - Aldo Ramirec currently on sale here for $59.98
Second pair - Aldo Sliney currently on sale here for $39.98
Use promo code VIPOFFER for free shipping :)
As enticing as the first pair is, I may just end up playing it safe with the cheaper shoe - who knows, maybe hubbs will let me splurge ;)

Of course, coupled with:

Old Navy Belted Trench can be found here for $49.50 and use your ON card and receive $10 off using the promo code THANK YOU

And topped off with this:

Aldo Zenon can be found here for $42 which is a STEAL for this uber cute bag in my opinion
On top of the free shipping promo code above for Aldo - sign up for their e-mail list and you'll receive a coupon for 10% off

Now tell me that wouldn't make rain look fabulous!

If I had it my way; however, I'd be rockin out in the rain like this:

This stylebook makes my heart skip a beat, those Loubs are seriously orgasmic.  I need those in my life.

And I want to give a big shout out to my girl Dona (that's Doh-nya, hehehe) for passing her insurance exam, she is now officially licensed to do biz in the State of North Carolina - you go girl!!
If you need Aflac insurance, let me know - I'll hook ya up.

Questions, Comments?

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