Thursday, March 4, 2010

Questions Anyone?

The lovely V at Veronika's Blushing is playing a bit of a fellow blogger tag game...

So, with her, I'll shall ask you all to ask me??
Do you have any questions for me...about anything at all? fashion, beauty, motherhood, wife-hood (?), home ownership, career, decorating and ask it, I'll answer it.

I took the day off from work today and tomorrow.  I let the booger join me today and play 'hookey' from pre-school (I'm such a good influence) so we have tons of errands to run and chores to do.  Then tonight, yes I am packing my bags for a kick ass weekend in Atlantic City with some very special ladies.

Feliz Cumpleanos Joan - I love you

I'm in for a great weekend and hopefully I'll win big :)  Not sure if I'll have time to post tomorrow but if I do I'm sure it'll be all about packing and my skills lack thereof doing so.

So while I'm away...ask away and I'll answer upon return. 

1 comment:

  1. How did having a child change your life?
    what do you like to do on the weekends?
    what are your favorite places to eat?
