Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How Do You Shop?

Up at an even crisper, snowy 5:30am ~ had a protein power punch and jogged to the gym for 30 minutes of cardio coupled with back and bicep strenth training rounded out with abs.  Loving the feeling this early morning workout is giving me  Am super motivated now that I have bathingsuit plans come end of March!!!

On to more interesting information, I was inspired by Veronika at Veronika's Blushing to re-evaluate my shopping habits and strategies.

I am definitely one of those people who consider shopping a hobby and use it as a social event  as well.  Nothing like gathering up a few of my favorite bitches and headin to the mall or the outlets and there's really no therapy like retail therapy.

I find that I tend to purchase items based on their saleability...is it discounted or just a great price, are they offering an additional umteenth percent off just because I use my store card, etc.  This creates a HUGE problem - a closet full of crap (well cute, crap) that you wear once or twice or never even at all...I have, at a minimum, 5 dresses that I've never wore once.  I have at least 10 pairs of shoes I can't even remember when I wore last and don't even get me started on the retarted amounts of basic t-shirts I own just because F21 sells them for $3.50 - not that the price of those shirts is breaking my budget, but I'm pretty sure I don't need 42 variations of the color pink in a basic T.  I could've bought a really cute cardigan from express for all those basic T's I never wear.

So, just like I've vowed to revamp my physique and workout routine I am now vowing to revamp my shopping strategy and habits.  I won't just buy something because its on sale or because I get a discount for using the store card, similar to how we now plan our meals a week in advance (which, might I add has worked wonders on our shopping budget and the healthiness of what we eat) I will plan my shopping trips in advance.  Lay out staple items I need for each season and figure out which items I can relive from last season with say, an accessory instead of replacing the item all together.

I really want to stock up on a variety of cardigans - I'm especially diggin the lace and ruffles that's been plastered all over every store window.  I want to pick up a scalloped edge lace skirt a la Carrie Bradshaw at Vogue offices in SATC the movie (terrible pic, but the only one I could find)

and definitely some breezy tops that can be coupled with said cardigans and then worn alone come summer time (see, I'm carrying my Spring items to Summer!) and from what I hear - peep toe booties, t-strap, bright suede and zippers will be the top shoe trends of Spring 2010 so I'mma pick me up some of those too...Something along the lines of these items:

...and tell me, what's your shopping strategy? Do you have one? Or are you a mindless shopper like me? How do you carry pieces through seasons without looking outdated?

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